Friday, May 24, 2013

Family Night

So last night was eventful and mind fucking. I managed to get out of a sleepover at my brothers friends place because I was afraid I'd drink and my calories would shoot from 340 to 1000. I was planning on having a cup or two of soup and going to bed like a good person. Putting my total up to 540. Bang. My brother pops in and says were having family night. First we head out to a bar. I drink as little as possible without arising suspicion. Then I end up eating the starters because everyone looks at me weirdly when I turn them down the first time. So i come equipped to purge those calories. Drinking sips of water and alcohol between each tiny bite. Except when I want to go to the restroom my mother comes with me. So I didn't get to purge. Then I think to myself, well we're going for a movie later I'll just have a diet coke and tell them I'm full. We happened to miss said movie and ended up at Häagen-Dazs. So forced to order something I caved and instead of ordering a waffle with maple syrup I ask for a cookie sundae. HOLY MOTHER OF PEARL did I screw up. 

On a lighter note. My brother after his pitcher of beer and my flavored beer and some gin was buzzed to say the least. He started acting like he was smashed just to freak my mom out. My dad was high too. My mum was the designated driver and while she was driving we started prank calling her colleague, P. P happens to be really chilled out and is a blast so she was pretty cool with the whole thing. It was fun to say the least.
On the bright side I only gained 0.1 kg. PHEW. Hope you are all doing lovely.<3 Jamie

24 May

One slice of toast w/ one egg (140)
Tea (0)
1 large mango (170)
1 toffee (30)
Starters- cottage cheese, garlic bread & stuffed mushroom (400)
Alcohol- 1 gin and tonic & half a flavored beer. (140+ 200)
Häagen-Dazs cookie sundae (600)

Total: 1680

Steps: 6000

Weight: 65.9

1 comment:

  1. I hope you had a good time at least, even though you did drink all of your calories in the day! I think it's okay for us to live once in a while, just so we don't do it all the time.

    Love you bunches.
