Thursday, May 23, 2013

23d May (for lack of a better title)

I went for Fast and the Furious 6. It was brilliant and a quick suggestion wait for the credits. :) So I planned on not having anything but that went out the window and I ended up having half a large cheese& caramel popcorn. The combination is a little bizarre but it's delicious.
Then I thought it would be okay to go for lunch with them at 4:30pm and decided I would not eat.
So as I happily sipped my diet coke. S looked at me weirdly and said "J, why aren't you eating anything."
So I went on and said "Oh it's because I'm not hungry."
Now this would have ordinarily worked, except he knows me and we had been with each other since the morning so he knew I couldn't have eaten much.
"What did you eat?" he questioned, eyeing my diet coke dubiously
"Popcorn." I said sealing my fate.
"J, please tell me you aren't going to the gym."
"I'm not." I said honestly. He didn't need to know I was working out at home.
I ended up eating a bite of chocolate tart, two french fries and a crisp and a sip of his milkshake, just to appease S.


Total =912 calories

Steps: 4500

Weight: 66.5


  1. As fat Americans, we see way ahead of you on the cheese-caramel combo :P. It's fantastic and I would have wanted a whole! Make sure you're getting in veggies and fruits with a little protein. Better for weight loss. :D

    1. It's heaven lol. My friend dropped hers so I had to share :P. I love fruits and veggies. :)

  2. Well, I say you did wonderful! Today I ran an extra block in the morning and it felt so good. I wasn't going to, but then I asked myself "what's one more block?"

    Congratulations on sticking too it, and a little treat never hurt anyone. <3

    1. Thanks :)
      Congratulations on the extra block :)
